Reduce the Appearance of Acne Scars with RF Microneedling (Fractora by InMode)


Reduce the appearance of embarrassing acne scars, with microneedling

We all have frustrating and embarrassing acne sometimes, and even worse is that acne scars are sometimes left behind. Acne scars develop by picking of the skin or from cystic acne. These scars can last for several months or years like other scars. People can use over-the-counter products for the longest, but the scar usually stays there. Even the most costly, over-the-counter products may reduce the scar a little bit after using them for a long period of time.

Microneeding has been a very popular technique used in stimulating elastic tissue remodeling and collagen. The result of this technique is tighter and smoother skin.

Now, RF Microneedling with Fractora is an innovative process that includes traditional microneedling along with radiofrequency (RF) energy. This technique is the newest trend for skin rejuvenation options. The Fractora process includes a microneedle depth that can deliver up to four millimeters in the skin. This depth is currently deeper than other RF microneedling.

But what is Fractora, really?

Fractora is derived from the word “fractal” which means pattern. And thus, Fractora includes the use of a hand-held device to go over the face in graceful patterns. Gentle radio-frequency waves are delivered through tiny needles going below the skin’s surface. RF waves provide heat on the skin to make collagen in response. This device tightens the skin from the inside out beautifully and simultaneously addressing the texture and even out acne scars. Through this procedure, you will not feel pain, just a warming sensation.

The only things to watch for is that there will be some flushing. For several days, some areas on your face may have a little scraped appearance. However, make-up can be used one day after the treatment. Furthermore, you must regularly moisturize after the treatment. And with all these facts, it’s imperative not to apply exfoliation or topical treatments five days prior to treatment.

Most patients will need 2-3 treatments for full benefit, spaced about 3-4 weeks apart. However, results can vary from patient to patient depending on a variety of factors and severity of the underlying condition being treated. stands behind the Fractora treatment

On, 97 patients have rated the treatment as 92% worth it, and we stand behind those numbers. Here are a few reviews:

“I did fractora face and neck for overall skin tightening and to improve hollowed out cheeks and mild laxicity of the skin on the neck. This was my third session and after each time, I noticed a more refreshed look and filling in of my hollowed areas as my skin tightened. I am so happy with my fractora treatment that even my husband noticed and now he gets it around his eyes.”

For more information about this procedure, see our fractora page. Located in White Rock & Metrotown, text (778) 800-6126 to book a consultation at Skinfx today.

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